(Reserved) IBUKI - Born March 23, 2023 Orange Sable carries aw gene. He's a larger-than-life puppy. Happy, healthy, and full of energy, playful. He's 9lb. Gorgeous! Great with kids. A little shy at first then becomes friendly, good-natured, kind, and loving.
Adult Pom Available
TPP One in a Million TIFFANY looking for a pawfect home. Blue&Tan Merle Parti.
She's 5.1lb full grown, 2y, lots of energy, loving, and kind.
Good with children. Looking for a family home that has time to spoil her and give her lots of attention and cuddles! Fully trained and experienced adventurer!! Already Spayed!
PET ONLY! $3000
Queen Eleganza
Dam: Showin's The Wolf Call Eleganza
Call name: Ellie
DOB: February 8, 2023
Weight: 3.5lb
AKC#: TS587303-02
Description: Fawn Sable (ay/at); too small to breed. She's available to seasoned show breeders for full rights show only or spay pet contract. If pet contract, Ellie will be spayed before leaving.